
Was Israel chosen to commit war crimes with impunity?

By José M. López Sierra – Puerto Rico


The United Nations’ (UN) representative for Palestine explained in very powerful and clear way why it is Israel, and not UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, that has shamefully offended the UN’ mission and has shown utter contempt for it! Please click on the following link to watch that video:

If the UN and the International Criminal Court (ICC) cannot stop Israel from committing the war crimes of collective punishment, ethnic cleansing and genocide, they should shut down operations, because they have no reason to exist!

The US holds hostage the UN and the ICC. Therefore, the real democracies should leave the UN, and create a new international organization for peace somewhere else.

Never again is right now!

Jose M Lopez Ismael

Nací en NYC. Me mudé a Puerto Rico en el 1980 donde eventualmente me convertí en independentista al ver que PR no se administra para los boricuas. Me retiré tempranamente de la pedagogía para luchar 24/7 por la descolonización de Puerto Rico a través de marchas pacíficas anuales y empujar a la ONU hacer su trabajo. Necesitaremos un tsunami de gente protestando permanentemente para obligar a USA a cumplir con la ley internacional que prohíbe el coloniaje.

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