
Stories of integration: migrant women in Europe

Texts and photographs: Yoselina Guevara López

“Stories of integration: migrant women in Europe” are interviews and conversations that gave rise to these brief reports made in four European countries where the protagonists of these stories live, who opened the doors of their lives to make known their realities, dreams and hopes. It is a work that is part of the Agency Project “Vote with her”, with the support of the European Parliament, coordinated by the European Network of Migrant Women (ENoMW) – Feminist platform of migrant and refugee women in the EU – in collaboration with FemLENS (non-profit cultural and educational association). The photographs were taken by the author of the reports with the guidance and supervision of the Agency Project Facilitator for Italy Maria Grazia Granati.

Our main goal has been to give voice to these four migrant women who chose Europe as their new home, they tell us about their experiences to integrate into a new culture, often learning a new language, new customs. They are four totally different realities that tell the story of migration in a positive way, despite the difficulties, showing all the capabilities that migrants put at the disposal of the receiving countries and that are often underestimated.

These stories reaffirm the importance of political participation as part of integration, especially in the upcoming elections for Members of the European Parliament. They call on all those who have the right to vote to do so on their behalf, to improve laws, improve policies and improve the lives of those who live on this great home that is our planet.

Yoselina Guevara López: Venezuelan social communicator, political analyst, columnist in different international media, whose work has been translated into English, Italian, Greek and Swedish. Winner of the Simon Bolivar 2022 National Journalism Award (Venezuela), special mention Opinion; Anibal Nazoa 2021 National Journalism Award (Venezuela); I Comandante Feliciano 2022 Historical Memory Contest (El Salvador) Third place. X: @lopez_yoselina

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