Where are China’s homeless people?
By José M. López Sierra – Puerto Rico
President Biden has a 31% approval rating from the United States (US) citizens. President Xi Jinping has a 95% approval rating from the Chinese citizens. China is, therefore, unquestionably more of a beacon of democracy than the US.
Click on the following link to watch a video about homelessness in China: https://youtu.be/0WvEcHh0kQU
The “American Dream” no longer exists. That dream is now China. The United Nation congratulated the People’s Republic of China for eradication poverty. China was able to accomplish that, while having 4 times the population of the US. She did, because China governs for 100% of her citizens!
The US governs for her oligarchs. Therefore, US media are feeding their citizens with fake news.
Find the truth to find your way!