Will Biden represent 100% of US citizens?
By José M. López Sierra – Puerto Rico
No. The new president of the United States (US) will only represent 1% of US citizens. The US is not a democracy, nor is she ruled by the rule of law. That is just an illusion!
The fact is that all US presidents, republicans and democrats, have never complied with the United Nations’ (UN) Charter that prohibits colonialism since it was created 75 years ago.
The fact of the matter is that all US presidents, republicans and democrats, have never complied with 39 UN resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. http://webtv.un.org/watch/5th-meeting-committee-of-24-special-committee-on-decolonization/6051725003001/
Therefore, all US presidents, of both parties, have been guilty of crimes against humanity according to international law. The International Criminal Court (ICC) is currently investigating US war crimes in Afghanistan. The US government (USG) has sanctioned the ICC to impede its investigation.
The world has indicated on repeated polls that the USG is the biggest threat to world peace!
That should not be of any surprise to those who know history, because that was exactly what Major General Smedley Butler said in his book, War is a Racket, in the 1930’s.
US citizens definitely do not have a government of, by and for the People. This is why the US is the epicenter of the coronavirus. The 99% of us are not important to the USG. Shockingly, it was the Cubans who were able to help other countries during the pandemic. Obviously, the Cubans care about people!
That 1% is committing treason! What will we do? I suggest we begin with studying our real history to connect the dots between the present and the past. That would then make it obvious what we must do.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Use it! www.TodosUnidosDescolonizarPR.blogspot.com