
Was your education great?

By José M. López Sierra – Puerto Rico


In a political system where a government is “for, by and of the people”, it is imperative that citizens receive a great education. That would ensure that the real democracy would increasingly meet the needs of 100% of the people. But is that was is happening? Click on the following link to show you what a great education looks like:

Students in the United States (US) are not being taught how to think for themselves, and how to become lifelong learners. Students are educated to maintain the status quo, so that the 1% of the wealthiest citizens could forever remain the wealthiest, no matter who the citizen votes for. This is why we must decolonize the educational system, and our minds, to achieve real democracy.

That explains why Puerto Ricans have not revolted successfully against the US government (USG) for having us colonized for the past 121 years. The USG is committing a crime against humanity with impunity!

That explains why Puerto Ricans have not engaged in a successful resistance to force the USG to comply with the United Nations’ Charter that prohibits colonialism for the past 75 years. And that also explains why Puerto Ricans have not been able to force the USG to comply with 38 UN resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to us.

Therefore, the key is to really educate ourselves, because the ones who are falsely educating us, have never wanted LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL!

Had it been the USA would be a real democracy.

Jose M Lopez Ismael

Nací en NYC. Me mudé a Puerto Rico en el 1980 donde eventualmente me convertí en independentista al ver que PR no se administra para los boricuas. Me retiré tempranamente de la pedagogía para luchar 24/7 por la descolonización de Puerto Rico a través de marchas pacíficas anuales y empujar a la ONU hacer su trabajo. Necesitaremos un tsunami de gente protestando permanentemente para obligar a USA a cumplir con la ley internacional que prohíbe el coloniaje.

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