
US financial imperialism

By José M. López Sierra – Puerto Rico


Those who rely only on what they have been taught formally in United States (US) schools will never understand why capitalism, or junk economics, is an economic system that only favors the wealthy, and why socialism, or classical economics, is the economic system for the rest of humanity.

This is why the capitalists must indoctrinate people into believing that capitalism is what sustains democracy, while socialism enslaves them. Click on the following link to watch a video by economist Michael Hudson who will give us the rest of the story omitted intentionally from US schools:

The US government (USG) is losing its hegemony today to China. The USG is desperately trying to hold on to its North Atlantic Treaty Organization allies by trying to portray China as a threat to democracy. Ironically, that accusation is made by the nation that the world has already identified as being the biggest threat to peace!

Learn as much as you can outside of schools to save yourself from US barbarism. Only the truth could set us free!

Freedom now tomorrow and forever!

Jose M Lopez Ismael

Nací en NYC. Me mudé a Puerto Rico en el 1980 donde eventualmente me convertí en independentista al ver que PR no se administra para los boricuas. Me retiré tempranamente de la pedagogía para luchar 24/7 por la descolonización de Puerto Rico a través de marchas pacíficas anuales y empujar a la ONU hacer su trabajo. Necesitaremos un tsunami de gente protestando permanentemente para obligar a USA a cumplir con la ley internacional que prohíbe el coloniaje.

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