Imperialism is win-lose
By José M. López Sierra – Puerto Rico
The United States (US) accuses the People’s Republic of China of being authoritarian. Why is China authoritarian, when she promotes win-win relationships among nations?
It is the US that only seeks win-lose relationships, and that is why the world regards it as the biggest threat to peace.
The US, the so-called champion of democracy, and its allies, and not China, have been unconditionally supporting the genocide against the indigenous people of Palestine, against international law. Please click on this link for more:
The BRICS nations now make up 55% of the world’s population, with many more nations interested in joining BRICS. This makes the US furious, as BRICS makes it harder for the US to exploit other nations.
The US is also exploiting its own citizens. 40 million Americans live today in poverty, and 201 million live from paycheck to paycheck. Therefore, the majority of US citizens are the losers! The winners are the 9 of the 10 richest men in the world who are US citizens.
Puerto Ricans are also among the losers, as the US has consistently refused to comply with 42 United Nations’ resolutions demanding that it immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. And in the meantime, 6 million Puerto Ricans have abandoned our national territory (gentrification), and half of the 3 million who live in Puerto Rico live in poverty.
The US, however, deceptively claims to support Taiwan’s right to self-determination and independence, only to create another Ukraine war against China.
Imperialism could never be democracy!