How capitalism defuses its enemy
By José M. López Sierra – Puerto Rico
An example of how capitalism defuses a threat to its hegemony is the Black Lives Matter movement in Washington District of Colombia. What happened there is called recuperation.
Capitalism, through its control of the media, manufactures an absolute and incredibly subtle domination of the culture of the white supremacists. It makes people feel that capitalism is the only way to be. And that whatever is wrong could be fixed within capitalism. Click on the following link for more:
The problems of the 99% of humanity can never be fixed by capitalism, because capitalism only benefits the 1%. Capitalism breeds wars in order to make the 1% even wealthier. 9 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens. That is why the world regards the US as the biggest threat to peace!
We must not allow our radical movements to be defused. We need to educate and organize ourselves to force the US to operate to promote peace. But first, we must have justice for all.
Defuse capitalism via education and organization.