End of US exceptionalism
By José M. López Sierra – Puerto Rico
United States (US) exceptionalism lasted from 1870 to 1970. Since then, US workers’ wages have remained the same, while the prices for goods and services have continued to increase.
That has resulted in a massive redistribution of wealth from the middle class and the poor into the hands of US oligarchs during the past 40 years! Please click on the following link to understand why and how: https://youtu.be/ogH0wRD0Vkw
The only ones who could save US workers are the US workers.
We must create a new US exceptionalism where the workers decide what to do with the profits of our labor. The best way to accomplish that would be by installing democracy directly into the workplace. That way, everybody would have the most accessibility to the American Dream as possible.
Only the workers could make democracy work for ourselves!