Puerto Rico’s Debt to her Oppressor
Click on the following link to see a video about who really owes whom: https://youtu.be/bArxHAsJOKQ
It is a fact that the United States (US) government is in violation of its own constitution and international law. According to Noam Chomsky, the US government is a failed state, and the world views the US as the biggest threat world peace.
The US government represents 1 % of its citizens. The other 99% needs to wake up and realize that they do not have a democracy. We all need to organize ourselves to work for a real democratic form of government that represent 100% of its citizens, and respect human rights and the rule of law.
Let’s join forces, because those who are outlaws don’t believe in JUSTICE FOR ALL! www.TodosUnidosDescolonizarPR.blogspot.com