
Would UN have condemned the US?

By José M. López Sierra – Puerto Rico


Would the United Nations (UN) have condemned the United States (US) had she militarily invaded Cuba in 1962 to impede Russian missiles to be stationed there? Or, would the UN have sided with the US in her claim that Russian missile in Cuba, only 90 miles away, posed an existential threat to her national security? Would nations have sanctioned the US for having done so? If not, the US government (USG), in essence, is above international law? Click on the following link to learn how that Cuban Missile Crisis played out:

There could be no democracy, if the USG is above the law. That is tyranny.

The UN is playing no important role to ensure world peace by being located in the nation that the world considers (Gallup polls) the biggest threat to peace, and condemning Russian for what it would not have condemned the US for. The UN, is therefore, a rubber stamp of the US!

Fortunately, more nations are beginning to resist this hypocrisy. A quarter of the UN member states did not go along with the UN’s condemnation of Russia for her military invasion of Ukraine, for understanding that the USG pushed her into it. The USG refused to accept Russia’s legitimate claim that Ukraine’s membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization would pose an existential threat to her national security.

Many nations have also not joined in the USG led economic sanctions against Russia. These are the nations that want the rule of law to be applied to all nations in the same manner.

Nobody wants war, except the ones who make a lot of money from it. US General Smedley Butler spoke about them in his book “War is a Racket”. US President Eisenhower also spoke about them in his last speech about the “Military Industrial Complex”.

They are, of course, the 1% of US citizens. Why do you think that 9 out of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens? And if you look that up, you will discover that Russian President Putin is not the 10th one.

Maybe this war will be the catalyst that will forge a new world order where democracy will really mean democracy.

And maybe Puerto Rico will finally be set free!

Jose M Lopez Ismael

Nací en NYC. Me mudé a Puerto Rico en el 1980 donde eventualmente me convertí en independentista al ver que PR no se administra para los boricuas. Me retiré tempranamente de la pedagogía para luchar 24/7 por la descolonización de Puerto Rico a través de marchas pacíficas anuales y empujar a la ONU hacer su trabajo. Necesitaremos un tsunami de gente protestando permanentemente para obligar a USA a cumplir con la ley internacional que prohíbe el coloniaje.

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