Why Gaza’s ethnic cleansing won’t work
By José M. Lopez Sierra – Puerto Rico
InfoAlDesnudoThe United States’ (US) allies in West Asia will not be able to comply with the US’ plan of ethnically cleansing the indigenous people of Palestine from their homeland without causing revolutions. Please click on the following link for more: https://youtu.be/E-bje29PF-8
US imperialism is experiencing more resistance, as the world becomes multipolar. The US is already antagonistic with 85% of the world, and the rest of the 15% of the people don’t want their governments to continue being US allies.
The world is challenging the days when might makes right. A world where in order to have 9 of the 10 richest men in the world being US citizens, you must have 40 million Americans living in poverty, and 201 million living from paycheck to paycheck. And, the US must violate international law in order to maintain Puerto Rico as its colony for the past 127 years!
The US must be above the law, if it wants a government of, by and for oligarchs.
Only the people can change that!