US violence against PR

by José M. López Sierra – Puerto Rico
This is what happens when you don’t know your real history. Click on the following link to watch a recent CBS News report called, “Puerto Rico Violence”:
What is totally missing from this report is the violence that the United States Government (USG) committed 120 years ago when it militarily invaded Puerto Rico to take her away from Spain and make her its colony!
Do you know that the 3.2 million Puerto Ricans in Puerto Rico do not really have a government? The so called “Puerto Rico Government” represents the USG’s interest. Do you know how that happened?
The Puerto Rico Nationalist Party revolted against United States’ (US) imperialism on October 30, 1950. Although the revolt was unsuccessful, the USG decided to hide the fact that Puerto Rico is its colony.
The USG allowed Luis Muñoz Marin to head what is called the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico in 1952. In 1953, the USG asked the United Nations (UN) to remove Puerto Rico off its list of colonies because she had obtained self-government in 1952.
The UN did, and Puerto Rico has never been returned to that list despite the fact that every year the UN holds a hearing to discuss Puerto Rico decolonization. Click here to see the UN’s current list of colonies: . Click here to watch the 2016 hearing:

Therefore, what has happened in Puerto Rico since 1898 is a carefully orchestrated plan to create a reality to solely benefit the USG’s interest. And that interest is to get Puerto Ricans off their national territory, so that it could repopulate her with the “right kind of people”.
Do you know that the USG classified Puerto Ricans as belonging to an inferior race? That is why the USG placed Puerto Rico in the unincorporated territory category, so that the US Constitution could not be extended to the Puerto Ricans. Click on the following link for a more complete explanation:
We must decolonize our minds first to organize ourselves to engage in permanent resistance to force the USG to comply with the UN Charter that prohibits colonialism since 1945, and the 37 UN resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans.
Isn’t it interesting that CBS News doesn’t find all of this newsworthy? Is it really seeking the truth?
Who will save Puerto Rico? If we don’t, nobody else will, because those who believe that they are above the law don’t believe in LIBERTY AND IN JUSTICE FOR ALL!
Is the mainstream media seeking the truth?