
Project 2025 and Religious Liberties: An Adventist Perspective

In the intricate political landscape of the United States, Project 2025, promoted by the Heritage Foundation, has emerged as a potent initiative aimed at reshaping the federal government through a conservative lens. While many may see this project as an opportunity to reinforce traditional values, it also raises significant concerns about religious and conscience freedoms, fundamental to the nation’s democratic fabric.

Project 2025 proposes, among other things, infusing Christian values into government and society. At first glance, this may seem like a return to the nation’s foundational principles, but the nuance lies in the method and extent of this infusion. The initiative suggests a deep restructuring of the government apparatus to align it more closely with a specific Christian worldview, including significant changes to key agencies and a reduction in regulations that do not fit these conservative values​ (Wikipedia)​​ (Project2025)​.

Freedom of Worship at Risk

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees freedom of religion, a principle that has allowed diverse beliefs to coexist peacefully. However, Project 2025’s aim to infuse Christian values into the government could undermine this freedom. History shows us that when a government favors a specific religion, the freedoms of those who do not share that faith are threatened.

From a Seventh-day Adventist perspective, which deeply values freedom of conscience and the separation of church and state, this project can be seen as a precursor to times prophesied in Revelation. The imposition of the mark of the beast, according to our interpretation, symbolizes a state-mandated worship system. This system contradicts the free choice of worship according to the dictates of our own conscience.

The Mark of the Beast and Prophecies

Project 2025 might represent the beginning of a dangerous path towards imposing a religious system at the governmental level, something Adventists have long warned about as the prelude to the mark of the beast. The forced integration of religious values into politics not only erodes freedom of worship but also lays the groundwork for stricter control over how and whom we worship.

Adventist prophecy alerts us to a time when freedom of conscience will be curtailed and a state religion imposed. The proposal to restructure the government to reflect a particular Christian vision could be a step in that direction. History and prophecy teach us that when church and state merge, religious persecution and the loss of individual freedoms are not far behind.

Final Reflections

It is crucial for citizens and political leaders to consider the long-term implications of initiatives like Project 2025. Religious freedom is a fundamental right that protects not only Christians but people of all beliefs. The imposition of a state religion, even under the guise of traditional values, can be the first step towards losing this freedom.

As a Seventh-day Adventist, I urge everyone to remain vigilant and firmly defend the separation of church and state. We must remember that true religious freedom involves the ability to choose, without coercion, how and whom we worship. Protecting this freedom is essential to avoid repeating past mistakes and preserving the integrity of our democracy.

Isaac Hernandez


  1. Wikipedia on Project 2025
  2. Project 2025 – Official Page
  3. Project 2025 Playbook


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