Kick US out of UN
By Jose M. Lopez Sierra – Puerto Rico
President Trump withdrew the United States (US) from the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council. The UN should have never allowed the US into the UN for not meeting the basic requirement of being a peace loving nation. That is confirmed by the fact that the world considers the US as the biggest threat to peace! Please click on the following link to watch Trump signed that executive order:
Trump says that the UN could be doing a lot more. The truth, however, is that it is because of the US itself that the UN is unable to do more.
The US has been the major obstacle in achieving a ceasefire in Gaza, against the overwhelming desire of the international community.
The US is the one who is unconditionally supporting the genocide against the indigenous people of Palestine ahgainst international law.
The US is the one who has consistently refused to lift its illegal economic blockade against Cuba.
And, the US is the one who has consistently refused to comply with 42 UN resolutions demanding the immediate return of Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. In the meantime, 6 million Puerto Ricans have abandoned our national territory, and half of the 3 million people living in Puerto Rico live in poverty.
The US has no business being in the UN!