Abandon the UN
By José M. López Sierra – Puerto Rico
If the United Nations (UN) allows the United States (US) government (USG) to push it around, the rest of its delegates should not return to the UN building after the coronavirus pandemic. Click on the following link to watch a video about how the USG wants to force the UN to do what it wants: https://youtu.be/cJyYmwdH6ag
A new UN should be established in the future in a nation that respects the rule of law. And, obviously, the USG should be excluded.
The international community should cease immediately from using the US dollar for international commerce.
Peace is impossible without justice. The USG has proven in its 244 year history that it doesn’t seek justice. It only seeks to rule the world!
If the UN does not stand up to the USG, it will lose, just like the USG has already lost, all credibility and respect. And if the UN doesn’t answer the bell, then it is up to the people to do so!
Is justice for all worth fighting for?