Making America collapse faster
By Jose M. Lopez Sierra – Puerto Rico
President Trump, instead of making America great again, is making it collapse even faster. With every executive order that he signs, he is alienating all of the United States’ (US) allies. Please click on the following link for more:
The People’s Republic of China, however, has always done the opposite of the US. While the US, the so-called «champion of democracy» removes foreign governments that it doesn’t like, and tries to make them like the US, China engages with all governments in a win-win relationship, without trying to make them communist.
Bethany Allen, however, argues the opposite when she says that «A key part of China’s Agenda is to persuade its own citizens and the world, falsely and through deception and coercion, that democratic systems are not better. Beijing claims its system is the best way to guarantee economic prosperity and stability.»
It is important to mention that over 90% of Chinese are satisfied with their government, as it eradicated poverty in 2020, despite having 4 times the US’ population. Conversely, only 28% of US citizens are satisfied with ours, as 40 million Americans live in poverty, and 201 million live from paycheck to paycheck. It is the US that has failed to persuade its own citizens that US «democracy» is the best guarantee to economic prosperity and stability!
And, what democracy could the US stand for, when it has consistently refused to comply with 42 United Nations’ resolutions demanding that it immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans? Meanwhile, 6 million Puerto Ricans have abandoned our national territory (gentrification), and half of the 3 million people living in Puerto Rico live in poverty.
The collapse of the US Empire