Is capitalism the people’s choice?
By José M. López Sierra – Puerto Rico
Has capitalism worked for all US citizens? Let’s see.
The United States (US), during the coronavirus, was the epicenter with more than a million deaths. All other nations embracing neoliberalism, like the US, the so-called champion of democracy and human right, also had a higher mortality than communist or socialist ones. Both the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Cuba, for example, did much better than the US.
US oligarchs made tremendous profits during the pandemic, while the rest of US citizens were devastated. Do you know that 8 of the 10 richest men in the world are US citizens?
Do you know that US citizens have been forced to live by means of credit cards since 1980, because employers, despite increases in profits, have refused to give their employees raises?
Do you know that 10% of oligarchs own 80% of stocks and bonds? US Oligarchs do not pay any taxes on them!
Do you know that well over 300,000 citizens die every year in the United States (US) from preventable causes?
Do you know that 38 million people live in poverty in the US? China, however, has already lifted 800 million of her citizens out of poverty. That represents 2.4 times the US’ entire population! China’s population is 4 times the US’!
Do you know that a third of the US’ budget goes to the military to fight wars that make US oligarchs even richer? You might want to get that directly from US Major General Smedley Butler’s 1935 book, WAR IS A RACKET.
And do you know that Puerto Rico has been a US colony for the past 124 years? The US is committing a crime against humanity. The US has ignored 41 United Nations resolutions asking her to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans.
People in the 1950’s got black listed in the US for being a so-called “communist”. Therefore, the capitalists are the ones to blame for our so-called “democracy” not working for the 99% of US citizens.
Capitalism is the farthest thing to democracy.