Do Taiwanese trust the US?
By José M. López Sierra – Puerto Rico
A recent “Democracy Foundation” poll shows that most Taiwanese do not trust the United States (US). They feel that the US is using them against the People’s Republic of China, and that they prefer to foster a peaceful relationship with the mainland. Please click on the following link for more:–Q
Taiwanese should become aware that the US commits crimes against humanity even against her own people. More than 300,000 US citizens die every year from preventable causes, and more than a million US citizens died due to the coronavirus.
Moreover, Puerto Rico has been a colony of the US for the past 124 years? That is a crime against humanity! The US has, thus far, repeatedly ignored 41 United Nations (UN) resolutions asking her to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans.
Taiwanese are smart to distrust the US, because that will help them not end up like Ukraine!
Even US citizens don’t trust their own government!