Another US big lie!
By José M. López Sierra – Puerto Rico
The United States (US) says that Russia unilaterally, and without any provocation, militarily invaded Ukraine. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Click on the following link to get the truth, which US President Biden hopes his “Disinformation Governance Board” would detect and delete:
The US government (USG) was the one that unilaterally, and without any provocation, militarily invaded Puerto Rico in 1898 to make her its colony. Where are the sanctions against the USG? Why the United Nations (UN) is located in the nation that the world considers the biggest threat to peace? Why are we rewarding a nation that commits crimes against humanity?
The USG has never complied with UN’s Charter that prohibits colonialism since 1945, and has ignored 40 UN resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans. Are you aware that the UN is in its 4th International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism?
In the nation that purports to be the “beacon of democracy”, less than 40% of US citizens are satisfied with our government. Conversely, over 95% of Chinese citizens are satisfied with their government. Who’s really democratic?
Get the truth on your own, and do something about going down the World War III road.
Democracy doesn’t mean anything if we’re all dead!