
Capitalism is abnormal

By José M. López Sierra – Puerto Rico


Those of us who have studied statistics know what a normal distribution is. Anything that you may wish to measure will have a bell shape curve.

If you measure wealth, most people should be in the middle class, few people would be either very rich, or very poor.

Under capitalism, you have an abnormal distribution of the world’s wealth. Most people are in the poor class, some people are in the middle class, and a few people have most of the wealth.

The reason for this is because we have an economic system purposefully designed to get these outcomes. The normal distribution of wealth has been skewed by capitalism. We must, therefore, substitute another economic system for capitalism to get a normal distribution of wealth.

9 out of the 10 richest men in the world are United States (US) citizens. Socialism and communisms are dirty words in the US. The US government (USG) is more interested in maintaining the abnormal distribution of wealth, than providing liberty and justice for all. Puerto Rico is a great example of this.

The USG militarily invaded Puerto Rico in 1898 to make her its colony, because that benefitted the 1% of US citizens. What about the human rights are Puerto Ricans?

The USG has never complied with the United Nations’ (UN) Charter of 1945 that prohibits colonialism, because it is a crime against humanity. The USG wants Julian Assange, because he revealed to the world that the US is an outlaw state.

The USG has ignored 40 UN resolutions asking it to immediately return Puerto Rico’s sovereignty to the Puerto Ricans.

99% of the people will have to abolish capitalism. We will have to beat the 1% on intelligence and organizational skills, since they have most of the money.  

Money can’t buy you everything!

Jose M Lopez Ismael

Nací en NYC. Me mudé a Puerto Rico en el 1980 donde eventualmente me convertí en independentista al ver que PR no se administra para los boricuas. Me retiré tempranamente de la pedagogía para luchar 24/7 por la descolonización de Puerto Rico a través de marchas pacíficas anuales y empujar a la ONU hacer su trabajo. Necesitaremos un tsunami de gente protestando permanentemente para obligar a USA a cumplir con la ley internacional que prohíbe el coloniaje.

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