The US is not on our side
By José M. López Sierra – Puerto Rico
The following video is irrefutable evidence that the United States (US) government (USG) is not for all of its citizens. Click on this link to watch it:
Instead of the USG protecting its citizens, it wants to provoke a nuclear war with Russia and China over Ukraine and Hong Kong. The USG says that it is projecting their right to independence. But, it has ignored Puerto Rico’s right to her independence for the past 123 year! The fact of the matter is that only 1% of the US citizens benefit by what the USG does.
It is therefore up to the 99% of US citizens to force our government represent us. To do that, we will have to engage in permanent resistance like the ones in the above video. We must continue the resistance, until the government gets on our side.
US greatness will depend on the degree in which she represents all of her citizens. But that will only happen when we force her to!
Get the US on our side.